воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.

Our review system: Guests are asked to review properties at the end of their stay. Only guests who b

Whether you're a professional host or simply looking to rent your place while you're away, we offer the opportunity to list your property for free with us. You decide rent price, you decide availability – you're totally in control.
"Great experience. The host was very friendly and welcoming. The apartment was perfectly located and we could just walk anywhere around the city. We will definitely go back on our next trip to Barcelona."
"HouseTrip was recommended by a friend of mine who said I could make the most out of my empy flat when I was away. Because it's free to list, I thought I would try. After a few days, I was fully booked for 2 weeks. This helped me pay for my own holiday!"
How do I search for a property? Just type a location into one of our search boxes (on the homepage for example) and fill in any other details of your stay if you wish (number of guests and so on). Click 'search now' to get a list of available properties.
How do you prevent scams? Is HouseTrip 'safe'? HouseTrip runs on a very secure system. We go to great lengths to ensure that you are in safe hands, and that your money is also safe – every step of the way.
Withholding payment: We collect the advance payment from guests and hold it until two days after the beginning of their stay. Consequently the host does not get paid until they have honoured their commitment to provide the stay.
Our review system: Guests are asked to review properties at the end of their stay. Only guests who booked the property through HouseTrip can generate these reviews, thereby ensuring they are genuine and trustworthy.
Yes. If you are a host, just define the price you want to charge per night, then we will add our flexible commission (typically between 10% and 20%) on top. Your guests will pay the price you want to receive plus our commission.
Can you add my property or do I have to do it myself? If you have trouble listing your property or if you have a large number of properties you would like to add at the same time, just contact our team at support@housetrip.com and we will be more than happy to help.

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