вторник, 28 августа 2012 г.

Lastly, this board (and its members) are here to assist you, if you have a question or are unsure of

This list is NOT a complete list of all hotels that Priceline offers in this area, it is ONLY a compilation of hotels that have already been reported on this forum. Hotels are added/removed by Priceline acll the time, and star ratings can change at ANY time. As well, the geographic boundaries of an area are subject to change, travel cheap airline tickets so it is always a good idea to look at the Priceline map before purchasing. DO NOT USE THIS LIST to determine what areas to add when attempting to bid again within the 72 hour window ( CLICK HERE for information on how to add cities in order to bid again).
Lastly, this board (and its members) are here to assist you, if you have a question or are unsure of something, please ask before purchasing (since Priceline stipulates NO cancellations/refunds ) However, by using this board you agree that you do so at your own risk (in other words, NO WHINING allowed )
Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS , CAR RENTALS , and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases Check and Research Hotel Rates at: BetterChecker.com What to do on vacation? Things To Do 411.com
travel cheap airline tickets Please use this HOTWIRE and these PRICELINE LINKS: HOTELS , CAR RENTALS , and AIRFARE to begin your travel purchases Check and Research Hotel Rates at: BetterChecker.com What to do on vacation? travel cheap airline tickets Things To Do 411.com

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