пятница, 2 ноября 2012 г.

Greece s Finance Minister said the country has been granted a long-sought extension to meet the term

The bank announced Wednesday that its program state department travel warning to purchase covered bonds expired on schedule Wednesday. Covered bonds are backed both by another asset and then by the borrower's state department travel warning ability to pay if the asset doesn't cover any loss.
The bank had said it would buy (EURO)40 billion ($52 billion) of the bonds to encourage activity in a market that banks can use to raise operating state department travel warning funds. The bank only bought (EURO)16.4 billion as the market proved healthier than anticipated.
Spain is feeling less pressure to seek European financial aid in the short term because its state borrowing costs have dropped since the European Central state department travel warning Bank announced its offer to buy bonds, a government official said Wednesday.
Deutsche Bank saw profits state department travel warning slip 3 percent in the third quarter from a year ago, as higher costs for streamlining its business and from credit writeoffs offset better revenues from investment banking and trading stocks and bonds.
Greece s Finance Minister said the country has been granted a long-sought extension to meet the terms of its bailout state department travel warning program - but the claim was swiftly shot down as speculation by the European Central Bank and lead lender Germany.
Concerns about Spain s crippling financial problems flared again Friday as even news that the country had been given the final go-ahead for a bank bailout loan of up to 100 billion euro failed to take the sting out of a further round of bad economic news.
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