пятница, 14 сентября 2012 г.

That said - I love Harry's in Venice. Yes, it's expensive and can be considered a tourist trap - if

That said - I love Harry's in Venice. Yes, it's expensive and can be considered a tourist trap - if you look at it that way. But to me, you are getting a view, an atmosphere and excellent food - so it's worth it.
In Rome, you can either go very high end -- La Pergola -- or you can go for really traditional Roman food (which includes a lot of organ meats, including lung, tripe, etc) at Checchino dal 1887. For me, personally, the dining experience "not-to-miss" gatwick luxury accommodation in Rome is the either the large and convivial Roman trattoria (walk through gatwick luxury accommodation Trastevere and pick one by nose and noise) or the family-run trattoria that hasn't changed gatwick luxury accommodation in several decades, serving homey food. My favorite is Settimio al Pellegrino. Roman pizza is also my favorite pizza in Italy, so you might want to track down a good Roman pizzeria (they are usually only open at night).
Don't know what to say about Paris. Some people would consider Jules Verne in the Eiffel Tower their "must do". Others might pick Bofinger. Still others might say a Constant-owned gatwick luxury accommodation restaurant. Depends on what you want and what you want to spend. I like to eat oysters at midnight at someplace like Le Dome, and I think crepes from a crepe stand are special too.
It also helps to know what part of the cities you will be staying in. I'd think you might want restaurant recommendations at least in the same general area, to avoid traveling 30 mins. across town just for dinner?
The OP didn't ask for recommendations for a restaurant serving gatwick luxury accommodation Roman dishes - they asked for a great place to eat in Rome. True that burrata and semi-dried tomatoes is the star, but there are many other fantastic dishes to be had - or at least there have been the last 4 times I have dined there.

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