пятница, 10 августа 2012 г.

How many times has this happened to you: you're idly surfing around Facebook, and suddenly you come

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How many times has this happened to you: you're idly surfing around Facebook, and suddenly hotel edison new york you come face to face with yet another drool-faced photo of someone's pwecious little baby . Talk about ruining your appetite! What are you supposed to have for lunch now, diapers ? God, babies are so gross, and yet parents seem compelled to share every toothless grin Junior manages to plaster across his disturbingly dimpled face. UGH.
Well, if you truly dislike babies that much, great news -- there's an app for that! Or more accurately, there's a Chrome plugin for that. Thanks to Unbaby.me , you can now easily swap out those unpleasant baby images with photos of things that are far more appealing to you .
If you use the Chrome web browser, the plugin sounds fairly easy to set up: just visit the Unbaby.me website and click the giant ADD TO CHROME button. Next, refresh your Facebook News Feed in order to witness the magic. Where once there was a disgusting human infant, now there is an adorable baby sloth!
year old, so adorable, our family, cutest baby, learned to walk, years old, month old, months old, carseat, infant, too adorable, pajamas, solid foods, crawling, most baby, so cute, is precious, is too cute, diapers, too cute cutest baby ever, newborn, and mommy, looks like dad, beautiful baby, gerber, pacifier, tantrum, little angel
You can select whatever you want for the replacement images, as long as there's an image-based RSS for it. Actually, jokes about babies aside, that's the really interesting thing about the plugin -- you can enter whatever keywords you want for replacing images. So, for instance, you could swap out all the baby-related search terms with words that are associated with vacations , like this Slate writer did :
when I m desk-bound on a sunny August day, the last thing I want to see are my friends sunset-streaked hotel edison new york snapshots of the damn Chichen Itza. So I tried replacing the baby-related keywords with terms like vacation, beach, sights, island, and, for good measure, fun. Then I changed hotel edison new york the tag for the RSS feed from cats to cubicles.
I probably won't be using this particular hotel edison new york plugin any time soon, because I actually like seeing baby photos on Facebook, but it's a pretty clever idea. Actually, I might try it out for specific types of baby photos for instance, I'd be happy to trade the inevitable OCD-triggering "child with spaghetti all over his face" photo for "picture of a giant Wet Wipe."
@4mutts has a point, but the flipside of that is that maybe a woman currently dealing with infertility or miscarriage doesn't really want to see all her friends' babies every single day, and she should have that right on her own page.
cont'd - She shouldn't have to unfriend just because it hurts her to have the constant baby reminders. If she were my friend, I would want her to have that option rather than worrying about hurting her every time I posted baby pics.
i dont understand peopel who get upset by posting child related hotel edison new york things on facebook..its the refelction of someones life (for the most part) and if someone has a baby that baby shoudl be a huge part of their life.
why would you do this when you can just adjust your filters? Do you really want a ton of RANDOM pics on your news feed, rather than snapshots from your friend's lives? I have plenty of babyphoboic friends but I would honestly give them SO MUCH sh!t for being this petty, ahahaha. Honestly, how immature, illogical, and self-centered would you have to be to use something like this? I don't like dogs much and hate cheesy overly religious "share this if you love jesus" pics on FB, but I don't even bother hiding them. I'd rather be in touch with the world, especially the world around my friends and family, even if it doesn't appeal to my specific interests. Is FB supposed to be about YOU or about your (hopefully diverse) community? eeesh.
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