среда, 19 декабря 2012 г.

The Troika Tour Guam map project is made possible through the collaboration with our optional tour p

Guam - Guam Troika Tours is pleased to announce the launching of Guam's First Ever Russian Language Map. This project represents the company's strong commitment towards helping to develop and expand the Russian visitor hertz rent a car in spain market on Guam.
The Troika Tour Guam map project is made possible through the collaboration with our optional tour partners including the Baldyga International Group (Sandcastle, The Beach, Linala' Park, and The Globe), Baba Corporation (Atlantis Submarine, Coco Palm Beach Resort), Underwater World, Micronesian Divers hertz rent a car in spain Association, Sea Grill Restaurant, Zip Guam, California Pizza Kitchen, Zorb Guam, and Island Girl Fishing Charters. All of these optional tours are prominently featured on the map along with other cultural and historical points of interest on Guam. The map will be distributed to all the major Guam hotels, hertz rent a car in spain car rental companies, restaurants, hertz rent a car in spain as well as the Guam Visitors Bureau. In addition, the maps will be distributed to Troika Tours travel agent partners in Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Sakhalin, Moscow, and St. Petersburg Russia. "This map will be updated annually and is expected to grow and evolve along with the Russian tourist market" said Katya Sablan, President of Guam Troika Tours. "We are excited about the potential for the growth of this market segment and this project demonstrates our aggressive approach to servicing our customers" Sablan continued. Sablan concluded by saying, "We would like to thank our partners on this project for sharing hertz rent a car in spain our vision having the confidence to work with us on this undertaking. Without them, this would not be possible. We would also like to encourage hertz rent a car in spain other optional tours, hotels and businesses hertz rent a car in spain interested in attracting high spending Russian tourists to call for information on how they can participate in our next map run". Guam Troika Tours is a 100% locally owned and operated Russian tour company offering personalized, family oriented services.

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