четверг, 18 апреля 2013 г.

Not a special case at all, just a shame that a poor administrative system causes people (pregnant or

Since he took over the role as Foreign Affairs Minister, he said, the problems with visas stood out . People of various nationalities, such as Libyans and Russians, travel insurance medical europe complained that they were not being granted.
He was speaking during travel insurance medical europe a meeting with officials from the General Workers Union during which the union s general secretary, Tony Zarb, raised the point that there was a problem with extra bureaucracy in the granting of visas.
Dr Vella also said that the Labour Government would work harder to ensure that other EU countries put their money where their mouth is and showed solidarity by taking on migrants who landed in Malta.
Gwu you are fighting for the non EU nationals interest more than you are doing in respect of Maltese Nationals. All these Asians, North Africans and Russians amongst us and there is a visa bottleneck, then what will be the result when visas are issued as you are suggesting?
I[-GWU messha staqsiet lill-ministru ghaliex hemm nuqqas ta' diplomatici u ghaliex z-zghazagh jitilqu biex isibu xoghol iehor. Per ezempju tajjeb li ufficjal jinghata laptop u tel. mit-tnejn sal-hadd travel insurance medical europe 24/7 u jiehu biss 80 euros allowance. Dan xoghol prekarju zgur. Il-ministru imissu jiltaqa' mal-GWU fil-presenza tar-rapprezentanti tal-haddiema. U mbaghad naraw il-problemi. a
my wife has been waiting for her appointment for 2 months now ... and this was done by email and this is what she was told to do ... not enough people working there i think .... also why not set up an EU and a non EU Office that might help
Mela x-xoghol tal-viza il-hrug biss taghha? Hemm xoghol kbir warajha li l-persuna mhux ta' theddida ghas-sigurta'. Jew se jigi abbandunat kollox biex min irid jidhol malta b'intenzjoni hazina jidhol?
Malta is loosing travel insurance medical europe out because of the extra bureaucracy in the granting of visas especially to nationals of Asian countries. Chinese tourists came out as the biggest spenders worldwide. Many Maltese think that people of most Asian countries are nearly starving to death when in fact most are flourishing.
Cannot comprehend the G.W.U. travel insurance medical europe stand to help irregular migrants find jobs and that more visas to non EU's be issued and such procedures be accelerated. Malta Taghna lkoll and vacant jobs should be taken by the hard working maltese who have families to maintain. Unemployment is on the increase, the dole is at tax payers' expense. Many non EU'S entering Malta are illegally overstaying - a problem.
bil maqlub John .ghalhekk qed titkellem il GWU .biex il maltin ma jkunux zvantaggati ghax huma mhalsin aktar . Allura qabel tattaka il GWU ,ara min ipresenta travel insurance medical europe il problema lil pajjiz l-ewwel nett .HADD HLIF IL PN
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the posts it has abroad, do not grant visas. They handle applications which are referred to the proper authorities (not the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) in Malta. They issue visas once they are approved.
My wife applied to have her residence permit a renewed on the 5th of February. After being told to return twice (even though she was heavily travel insurance medical europe pregnant) she finally got her application taken. SInce then I've called without fail 20 times daily -Still no reply. Sent an email stating that she is about to give birth and needs to settle. the baby has come and her permit has not and no response. Shameful
With regards to Russian visas for example, why are so many being granted? Surely there should be a set number per year and that number based on a percentage of the existing population. Visas for non-EU applicants should only be granted in very special circumstances.
Not a special case at all, just a shame that a poor administrative system causes people (pregnant or not) such difficulty and stress. This is not a visa issue, its a residence permit for someone married to a Maltese citizen. And i don't think you can put a cap on this. Unless you want to regulate travel insurance medical europe how many people marry. As for visas the majority are students putting money into the economy.
What about applying for Residency travel insurance medical europe for EU and Schengen nationals?- its a complete shame at the moment . One has to send an e mail for an appointment which e mail is never answered , i am refusing wealthy clients who wish to take up residency as I cannot travel insurance medical europe possibly guarentee them the service - plus the office is completely unsuitable , i was expecting travel insurance medical europe the Minister responsible to be the first to speak
The visa problems with Libya are the police. They have too many visas to process so they refuse visas in a wholesale manner, especially business visas. The embassy and consulates in Libya do a sterling job and should travel insurance medical europe continue doing so, but the minister should look at resourcing them better. Airmalta flights are full from libya and this helps the airline. Libyans want to come here.
Why, mine and all of my colleagues were processed within 1-2hrs and we had our appointments granted within 4 weeks of applying. People who haven't had problems (the majority) travel insurance medical europe don't tend to post on forums, only those that have perceived issues which look like a tiny minority.

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