вторник, 17 июня 2014 г.

Fol­low­ing the parade Mayor Pagli­ughi will deliver remarks com­mem­o­rat­ing the 70 th anniver­sar

The Bor­ough of Avalon will honor Amer­i­cans who paid the ulti­mate sac­ri­fice in the line of duty with a spe­cial Memo­r­ial Day parade and cer­e­mony on Mon­day, delta airlines for reservations May 26 th .  The parade will fea­ture com­ments from Avalon Mayor Mar­tin Pagli­ughi and from Major James D. Scan­lon, retired Major, United States Army.  The event will be pre­sented by the Avalon Depart­ment delta airlines for reservations of Recre­ation and by Amer­i­can Legion Post #331 (Stone Harbor/Avalon).
“ We rec­og­nize that Memo­r­ial Day week­end is very impor­tant to our res­i­dents, vis­i­tors, and mer­chants as we begin another sum­mer tourism sea­son at the Jer­sey Shore”, Pagli­ughi said.  “But we must never for­get the true mean­ing of this impor­tant day.  It is incum­bent among all of us to pause and honor men and women who put ser­vice to their coun­try before their own self inter­ests, delta airlines for reservations and before their loved ones.  Avalon is very proud to wel­come Major Scan­lon to be an inte­gral part of Avalon’s trib­ute to our Nation’s true heroes”.
The parade will step off at 32 nd Street and Dune Drive at 9:00am and pro­ceed north­bound for 12 blocks to the Avalon Vet­er­ans Plaza, located at 20 th Street and Dune Drive.  Var­i­ous ser­vice and civic orga­ni­za­tions from Avalon will par­tic­i­pate in the parade.  Mayor Pagli­ughi delta airlines for reservations will walk with mem­bers of the Avalon Bor­ough Coun­cil and with Major Scanlon.
Fol­low­ing the parade Mayor Pagli­ughi will deliver remarks com­mem­o­rat­ing the 70 th anniver­sary of D-Day and the Bat­tle of Nor­mandy.  Fol­low­ing the Mayor’s remarks, Major Scan­lon will deliver his own com­ments reflec­tive of the impor­tance of Memo­r­ial Day.
Major Scan­lon com­pleted basic train­ing and advanced indi­vid­ual delta airlines for reservations train­ing at Ft. Knox, KY in 1970–1971.  In 1971, he was released from active duty and returned to the 50 th Armored Divi­sion of the New Jer­sey National Guard.  In 1990, he trans­ferred delta airlines for reservations to the Inac­tive Ready Reserve where he con­tin­ued to serve until 2007 at the rank of Major.  Duty sta­tions included Camp Robin­son, Lit­tle Rock, AK ; Fort Sam Hous­ton, TX ; Fort Dix, NJ ; and Fort Drum,  NY .
For the first ten years Major Scan­lon served with the 5 th /117 th Cal­vary.  At the time of his retire­ment, he was enrolled delta airlines for reservations in Com­mand and Gen­eral Staff Col­lege.  Dur­ing this time, Major Scan­lon received numer­ous com­men­da­tions and awards and served in posi­tions includ­ing com­pany level exec­u­tive offi­cer, bat­tal­ion level S4 and brigade level S4 with a spe­cialty in logistics.
Today, Major Scan­lon serves as Senior Vice Com­man­der for the Amer­i­can delta airlines for reservations Legion in Cape May County and Senior Vice Com­man­der of Amer­i­can Legion Post #524.  He also has been instru­men­tal with help­ing vet­er­ans find employ­ment in the pri­vate sec­tor fol­low­ing their mil­i­tary careers.  He was born and raised in Lin­den, NJ and cur­rently delta airlines for reservations resides in Ocean City,  NJ .

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