воскресенье, 25 ноября 2012 г.

The best thing that could happen to the USA (which never will), is for our military to be gutted so

Speaking about the September 11 attacks in a speech at the Center for a New American Security, a Washington-based think tank, Panetta said, We will do everything possible to ensure that such an attack never happens again. That means counterterrorism will continue as a key mission for our military and intelligence professionals as long as violent extremists pose a direct pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles threat to the United States.
pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles He said efforts against the core al Qaeda group have been largely pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles successful. Al Qaeda s leadership ranks have been decimated. This includes the loss of four of al Qaeda s five top leaders in the last 2½ years alone - Osama bin Laden, Shaikh Saeed al-Masri, Atiyah Abd al-Rahman and Abu Yahya al-Libi.
We know that al Qaeda, pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles its affiliates and adherents are looking to establish a foothold in other countries in the Middle East and North and West Africa - including al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb and the Boko Haram group in Nigeria. The international community and our regional partners share our concern about Mali, where al Qaeda affiliated groups have taken control of territories pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles in the North and pose an emerging threat. We are also concerned about Libya, where violent extremists and affiliates of al Qaeda attacked and killed innocent Americans in Benghazi, Panetta pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles said.
Panetta said the solution to defeating al Qaeda s outlying affiliates is unconventional warfare. This campaign against pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles al Qaeda will largely take place outside declared pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles combat zones, using a small-footprint approach that includes precision operations.
We are continuing to ramp up Special Operations Forces, which have doubled in size from 37,000 on 9/11 to 64,000 today. SOF will grow to 72,000 by 2017. We are expanding our fleet of Predator and Reaper UAVs over what we have today.
But he went on to say the real permanent solution to extremist terrorism means more than guns and bombs. But to truly protect pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles America, we must sustain and in some areas deepen our engagement in the world our military, intelligence, diplomatic and development efforts are key to doing that.
Post by: By CNN Pentagon Producer Larry Shaughnessy Filed under: 10 years of war Abu Yahya al-Libi Afghanistan Al Qaeda Benghazi Diplomacy drones Libya Mali Nigeria Osama bin Laden Pakistan Panetta Secretary of Defense Somalia Special Operations pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles Forces Yemen
The answer to global Islamic madness and violence is A MASSIVE CONVERSION OF MUSLIMS TO CHRISTIANITY. Middle Eastern Christian churches should unite in order to convert millions of brainless Muslims to Christianity. The root of the problem worldwide is the Koran and its diabolic ideology. Salman pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles Rushdie is right to name his book: The Satanic Verses ...of the Koran.
Comments like Secretary Panetta s are not only counterproductive, they are obtuse. Al Qaeda is not a hierarchical organization. It is virtually identical to the Irish Republican Army. That s where they got the idea.
It s a cellular structure that as a whole is impervious to the tactics utilized to take down tree structured organizations. By design, the left hand knoweth not what the right hand doeth. You kill off one cell at a time as you discover them. The leadership isn t. They are only figureheads who are promoted and publicized for recruiting and money raising.
This is why true professionals in national security say nothing and simply act. Mr. Panetta spent two years as a Lieutenant in the Army almost fifty years ago and did not serve a day in combat. The rest of his national security experience is as a politician and is thus useless to the problems at hand. He is not unlike a lot of the current pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles administration.
pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles They are dilletantes pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles that have never had any of their own skin in the game. That s why our US Ambassador to Libya was allowed to wander about a nation in revolt with no effective security. Due to the lackadaisical, amateur nature of the US Government that we enjoy, we were unprepared and had no response whatsoever on the anniversary of 9/11.
Al Qaeda s leadership ranks have been decimated, but you should tell American people how you have weighed in on about the missions of fighting against terrorists the U.S. military will face has not been as difficult as before, and why? Did Benghazi terrorists attack pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles mean to that?
I suspect those in power within the US millitary and CIA likely do not truely want the war on terror to end. (Think of the billions in defense and security contracts for corporations who write our foreign policy at think tanks). How else can you explain the continued US funding and assistance of Al Qaeda and its jihadist offshoots to fight the proxy war in Syria? (Don t believe the lie that most rebels are actually Syrian). Especially after the blowback we saw in Bengazi after using many of these same millitants to kill Gaddafi in Libia?
Perhaps pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles Jehovah God does not allow others to read His truth on the streams? Netanyahu and Wolf B. say: Read Genesis 21 to know Isaac and Ishmael - Egyptian President knows the Egyptian slave girl Hagar was mother of Ishmael. pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles Sarah was mother of Isaac. Abraham loved both his sons equally. Wolf B. and Netanyahu both know that Jehovah God blessed both of Abraham s sons. Arab nations - seed of Ishmael - became mighty and strong because Abraham was faithful to Jehovah God (YHWH). Netanyahu and Wolf B. know this well. Isaac and Ishmael need to reunite now.
Yeah we all believed pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles Obama would be about Change and boy did we get it. Less transparency in the White House, still at war, lies that didn t need to be about Benghazi, and now Panetta saying Al Queda is on the run what a joke. And I am not GOP I expect pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles the President to have some ethics, and realize that the middle class can not keep the 50.4% fed much longer.
Benghazi is nothing pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles more than a huge mistake by Ambassador Stevens! Put the blame where it belongs. Stevens pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles felt insecure and threatened in Benghazi. Congress cut funding for his defense, he knew this. If he felt so threatened, he should have left and returned to Tripoli! He didn t! Why? Maybe he had a female interest pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles there! This is all the excuses now! Stevens caused his own demise, no excuses!
CNN MANAGEMENT - Yes, Wolf B. knows Isaac and Ishmael are brothers - seeds of Abraham. Brothers need and want to reunite in co-habitation and peace together. Most people of the world do not know Jews and Arabs are blood brothers, the sons of Abraham. Egypt needs to help his brothers pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles and then become independent of American money. The rich Arab brothers will take care of Egypt. Then the Blood of Abraham will wash the Declining Western nations away from their midst. Wolf B. knows this would be good
The al qaeda organization will not give in to the morally weaker U. S.. They are further motivated by the withdrawal of NATO and U. S. forces from the region. It is a modern day Vietnam. Once the U. S. is out of the area we better brace for impact as they say with a crash landing. The terrorists will march into the country citizen or non citizen.
Al Qaeda is strong because most of the Arab world hates us. Killing top leaders, precision operations, and sharing intelligence won t change that. To be clear, there will always be some Arabs that hate the U.S., but right now a majority of them hate us. That's what fuels al Qaeda.
If the brass and POTUS the current one and his predecessor were serious about this, we d have executed a silent running campaign, fighting a shadow war and only letting highly visible actions become fodder for the media.
Sounds like the Civil War of 1861-1865-- The United States sent thousand of American soliders to their death also lost the wars Korea Viet Nam Iraque Afganistan al for nothing as my sister said -who lost her husband in Viet Nam left two boys behind-as she said so the Vietnamense can come to America to open up nail shops
There will never be an end to this war until our Gov. (the U.S.) puts an end to this, Seize the Sahara desert (occupy the water holes, force the terrorist into the open wilderness,and blast them!!), let Israel seize Gaza and the west bank,while the U.S. invades Iran from the caspian sea and seize Tehran (along with a D-day style invasion from the coast), use our forces in the pacific to search and destroy pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles AQ in the philipines,destroy Boko Haram,once pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles all that is done, invade Yemen and use our air force to kill these guys- I know it sounds risky, but the alternative is all of us hoping (to which I place no faith in) that another 9/11 isnt going to happen again. NEWS FLASH: this is a world war, its time to start acting like it!!!
OR, maybe we could quit killing THEM and meddling in THEIR countries for a change! Maybe we could quit supporting dictators of ALL kinds, not just the ones that do what we want. Maybe we could let the rest of the world do their own dirty work for a change! The Us spends more on our military than the next 20 countries COMBINED!
We never beat the Viet Cong either, but life goes on. To the dismay of the military industrial complex, we need to understand this isn t 1950 anymore. pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles You don t win wars with trillion dollar defense budgets.
The best thing that could happen to the USA (which never will), is for our military to be gutted so we don t try to start anymore wars we can not win. The US with a powerful military is like an 8 year old boy with a crate of hand grenades.
After WE turned tail and got out, the country survived and even became pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles prosperous! Today, Viet Nam is an accepted trading partner with the US. It is still a communist ruled country , so is China! Our other big accomplishment was seeing the USSR melt down. Sure, the Berlin Wall was torn down, but now Russia is ruled by a dictator (no doubts about this).
Threat from terror never goes away unless the root cause in known and eliminated. Some people have seen nothing but the war.Others have experience nothing but poverty,hunger, suppression, exploitation, and some are manipulated because of ignorance, pictures of u s bank tower interior in los angeles absence of education and opportunities.
What would one expect this bozo Panetta to say? Of course we re b

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