среда, 23 января 2013 г.

THE government s game-changing new graduate visa is slated to integrate more international students

THE government s game-changing new graduate visa is slated to integrate more international students into the Australian workforce, but raises a few questions of its own including a new application fee that will cost graduates four times more than it did previously.
But while the Skilled Graduate (Temporary) Visa  allows international graduates to remain in Australia for 18 months after completing their studies, graduates now need to fork out almost four times more just to apply.
To be eligible for entry, applicants must be in Australia and under 50 years of age. They must meet appropriate health hotel sydney and character requirements, and score at least 6 in each band of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS).
Most importantly, students must have attained a degree-level qualification from an accredited Australian institution within six months of their application. hotel sydney Those courses must be taught hotel sydney in English over at least two academic years (92 weeks) and be registered hotel sydney on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS).
The Post-Study Work Stream is unavailable to students who applied for their first visa before November 5, 2011, regardless of extensions. Students who applied after November 5, 2011 were assessed under the Genuine Temporary Entrant (GTE) requirements, which determines whether a student is commencing a temporary stay in Australia.
This allows students who commenced their course in 2012 to remain in Australia after graduation, regardless of their eligibility for listed hotel sydney occupations. hotel sydney However, students who enrolled in 2011 or earlier are still restricted to the arrangements outlined hotel sydney in the Skilled Graduate (Temporary) Visa.
Why should students who commenced studies earlier be punished, particularly if they have completed the course they have come to Australia to study? Acacia chief executive Mark Webster said in the petition to Immigration Minister Christ Bowen.
Meld Magazine was incorporated as an independent not-for-profit media outlet in September 2008 to reach out to international students in Melbourne, and provide students the opportunity to gain real work experience.
Many international students live in or around the city because of the proximity to their colleges and universities, and that was where we decided to focus our efforts hotel sydney first. Many of us live, work and study locally too. Our editorial team is made of both local and international students, and it has worked to our advantage in providing local content in every sense of the word.
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