понедельник, 21 октября 2013 г.

Drinking in public becomes slightly more stylish when you're drinking out of one of these fashionabl

Drinking in public becomes slightly more stylish when you're drinking out of one of these fashionable flasks. These booze containers are designed to be both functional and stylish. cheap hotels in vancouver Some of them are wearable, while others just look nice. Either way, these fashionable flasks will ensure that you don't look like out of place should you want to take a quick drink.
The wearable flasks include boozey bras and belt buckles designed to be secret adult beverages. The rest of these flasks more or less fall into the accessories zone. They include canes, portable leather-bound mini bars and lipstick flasks. While no one needs a cane that can also hold liquor, it's always nice to have the option. If you're looking for an alternative way to stay warm this winter, then you'll want to check out all of these fashionable flasks.
TREND HUNTER is the world's #1 largest, most popular trend spotting community. It is an explosion of cool trends and trend reports fueled by a global network of insatiably curious people. By tracking the evolution of cool, Trend Hunters stimulate creativity and generate breakthrough ideas... [More]

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