понедельник, 29 сентября 2014 г.

If the car is picked up in a country other than France, there is a $150+ extra fee, and a similar dr

How we use your email Fodor's may use your e-mail address to send you relevant information on site updates, account changes, and offers. For more information about your privacy facts about united kingdom and protection, please review our full Privacy Policy .
Hi everyone. We are traveling with two kids, aged 9 and 13 and would like to drive around the southern coast of France to Italy, starting in Barcelnoa. What is the best car rental agency to use, and what are the things we should be aware of regarding insurance, permits, etc in Spain, France and Italy.
Agree that you need to contact the various agencies and ask about this. And do realize facts about united kingdom that the drop off fees for Italy are esp steep due to the high rte of car theft. And that the drop-off fee often depends on what car you have - the higher grade/more expensive the car the higher the drop off fee.
A lease is the only way to avoid the incredibly steep fees for renting in one country and dropping off in another. facts about united kingdom You'll need an IDP for Spain and Italy, which you can get at AAA. Also make sure that your rental/lease outfit is familiar with the requirements for breatholyzers in France and road safety kits and extra prescription glasses, etc., in Spain.
If the car is picked up in a country other than France, there is a $150+ extra fee, and a similar facts about united kingdom drop-off fee for a country other than France. Not much of a savings. Moreover, unless the car is leased for more than 50 days, it is unlikely facts about united kingdom to be cheaper than a rental (assuming a standard shift and declining facts about united kingdom the CDW), even with a pick-up and drop-off in France.
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