воскресенье, 28 декабря 2014 г.

"The Smith Commission's recommendations to devolve APD to the Scottish government shows progress, an

Chancellor George Osborne’s decision to only scrap air passenger duty for children under the age of 12 represents a missed opportunity to help regenerate UK regions and help the travel industry, according to Flybe CEO Saad Hammad.
“It’s time for the Chancellor to seriously u2 concert tour listen to the UK regions and deliver reform quickly, to ensure the government does not inflict further damage u2 concert tour to the UK’s aspirations u2 concert tour for economic growth,” u2 concert tour said Hammad.
“The Smith Commission’s recommendations to devolve APD to the Scottish u2 concert tour government shows progress, and we believe u2 concert tour its implementation would demonstrate the benefits of cutting or abolishing the tax to other nations or regions within the UK, which in turn would deliver a balanced economic recovery,” he added.
The cut made by Osborne follows an announcement in the March Budget that there would be a reduction of APD to some long-haul flights - A business class Band D flight (includes Australasia, u2 concert tour Malaysia and Indonesia) attracts u2 concert tour an APD levy of £194, this will drop to the Band B rate of £138 (plus any RPI -based rise) in April 2015.

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