воскресенье, 8 декабря 2013 г.

I am wanting to try Brenneke black magic 3 inch slugs in 12ga. They are pretty easy to find on the i

I am wanting to try Brenneke black magic 3 inch slugs in 12ga. They are pretty easy to find on the internet lodging lake tahoe but obviously no one will ship up here. I was wondering if anyone knows if someone up here stocks them? I checked the Sportsman's in Wasilla lodging lake tahoe and they didn't have any but they seemed to have a good amount of shotgun ammo.
The Black Magic's are an awesome defensive round for dangerous game. They are not for casual shooters. An ankle weight bag over the shoulder helps for extended shooting. I figure you want them for bears. If I was hunting lodging lake tahoe with a slug gun, they would not be my first choice. lodging lake tahoe But for breaking stuff up that is pissed off at you..... the only thing I thing that is better are the Dixie slugs. You don't want to be on either end of touching them off.
I always keep a couple of boxes around. I shot quite a few of them back before they (and most other ammo) became so scarce. I was very impressed with their consistent accuracy, even out of a smoothbore barrel (which they are designed for.) I didn't find them to be too extreme in recoil out of my Mossberg 500. I was using the 3 Black Magic variety. I can't recall lodging lake tahoe the exact numbers, but I think the slug weight is around 600 grains, and there's not much better knockdown available for the money. I never shot an animal with one, but I imagine the wound channel would be substantial to say the least. Expect significant meat damage if you're hunting with them. I'm sure you know that's not what they are designed for though. It's a defensive slug.
I was only able to find two boxes, and they were at Chimos. Nobody eles in the valley had them. If these things perform like they say they should do some real damage. Does anyone know how deep these things will penetrate?
The older Foster slugs are created out of almost pure lead. The skirt is made to swell in order to seal the gases in so some accuracy is maintained. Their diameter varies from manufacturer to manufacturer because lodging lake tahoe of liability issues. Remington's used to be way under sized for the bore diameter. This was in case someone fired them in a full choke it would not damage the bore and henceforth the skirt that would fit out the barrel. They are so soft they can be scratched with your finger nail. Dixie's are hardened, Brenneke is hard but not as much. I used to have a Foster that was loaded into the case sideways because the lead is so soft.
I once shot a whitetail doe from 10 feet. She bolted away. I found hair, and part of the slug laying on the ground. At ten feet the slug had broken apart and never exited the body. We searched but lost the deer. I have taken deer out to 90 yards with Foster's with no problems. But I think that for big game, whitetails are the upper limit.
I forgot to answer lodging lake tahoe the other part of the question. If I am somewhere where there are brown bears I carry the 870 stuffed with 3 Dixie's. I also have some 3 Brenneke dangerous game slugs. It is mostly a tossup but the Dixie's are more of a wad cutter design and harder. If I am seriously worried, I carry them. For black bears in the yard in the fall, it really lodging lake tahoe does not matter.
I forgot to answer the other part of the question. If I am somewhere where there are brown bears I carry the 870 stuffed with 3 Dixie's. I also have some 3 Brenneke dangerous game slugs. It is mostly a tossup but the Dixie's are more of a wad cutter design and harder. If I am seriously worried, I carry them. For black bears in the yard in the fall, it really does not matter.

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