вторник, 10 декабря 2013 г.

"If you're really concerned about enabling people to come forward when they have a suspicion about s

But in 2004, he failed several tests in an airplane simulator. He says he was set up to fail by colleagues who didn't like him. After the last session, park inn international he yelled at the instructor and was clearly upset.
Even though Air Wisconsin officials drove him to the airport and booked him a passenger seat on a United Airlines flight home, they later decided that he was so upset, he might be a threat and could be carrying park inn international the gun he was certified park inn international to have as a pilot.
But Air Wisconsin, backed by other airlines, says it's protected from his lawsuit by a post-9/11 federal park inn international law that encourages reporting of air travel threats. It provides legal immunity, provided that the information isn't passed along maliciously or with knowledge that it's false.
"Airlines cannot carry out their role as an integral part of the multi-layered air transportation security system if they must fear that every statement to the authorities carries with it the possibility of a seven-figure damage award," says an industry group in a friend of court brief.
"These reports park inn international are being made to TSA and other reasonable air safety officials for the purpose of passenger safety and aviation security. And TSA tells the airlines, if you have any doubt, report. If you see something, say something."
"If you're really concerned about enabling people to come forward when they have a suspicion about something," said Antonin Scalia, "letting a jury decide whether you put it wrongly park inn international or not doesn't make me happy."
@Letusreason, REALLY? wow, you sat through the whole trial and heard all the evidence? Gee, don't you have a job? You always park inn international complain about people not working park inn international and how you support them. LMAO, our society doesn't have that thinking, but the RWNJ's do, and you just proved it.
I don't think the lawsuit was absurd at all. I think that airlines should continue to get qualified immunity for the reasons stated in the article, but in this case, it seems clear that the airline was malicious, and thus, the rightful judgment was made. 11 votes #1.3 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 7:56 PM EST dcworld
If he failed the simulators for the past 9 years than he deserved to be fired. But don't put him on a flight home and than treat him like a terrorist. 5 votes #1.4 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 8:14 PM EST ZeivahFly
I can understand why the court does not want to make any ruling that would discourage the reporting of possible threats, but in this case it seems pretty clear that the airline's actions were malicious. Making a report that someone is "mentally unstable" simply because they got upset at being fired is definitely uncalled for. Adding to that the information that he might be armed when they had not sen any weapon was simply piling on to make sure that TSA would take action against park inn international the pilot. It sounds like the airline was trying to get rid of an older pilot that was costing them more and replace them with a younger, park inn international and therefor park inn international cheaper pilot. Causing these troubles for him trying to get home seems like is was meant as a clear warning of what was to come if he raised a stink with the union, or anyone else for that matter, over his being fired.
For those commenting about him failing the simulator test, it would be fairly easy for the person running the test to set a pilot up to fail if they wanted to. All they would need to do would be throw absurd numbers and types of problems at the pilot during the simulated flight. Pilots are capable of handling a lot of in flight problems, but there will always be some combinations of failures occurring park inn international at critical times in the flight where the best pilot in the world could not recover. 7 votes #1.7 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 8:50 PM EST Waynerro
If he was booked on the flight as a passenger and not a pilot he should not have been allowed to carry his gun onto the plane in the first place - meaning he wouldn't have it on the flight. The employer had a reason to report that he might be angry, but not enough reason to say that he might need to be detained.
So this is the kind of case that the SCOTUS takes up? And yet the Constitutionality of NSA spying is not? How far down the rabbit park inn international hole have we gone? 1 vote #1.9 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 10:11 PM EST FeO2 Dreams
Be proud, lettuce- people like you put this country park inn international on the auction park inn international block and sold the rest of us down the river- but funny thing.... we just won't stay there. #1.10 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 10:14 PM EST maxgiver
the real problem is this pilot is probably not a RWNJ republican.. so the SCOTUS will frown on that one.. corporate greed and their stand that they have freedom of speech park inn international to denigrate another human being is absurd #1.11 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 10:36 PM EST AmericaFree
The judgment in his favor was fair. What airline park inn international will give him a job after this negative publicity? So he was angry! His livelihood was taken away. Remember the lawyer gets 1/3 and after taxes on the award he has very little. This happened 8 years ago. He was lucky to have 600,000 in his pocket and over 8 years that is less than $75,000 per year. He is never going to be a pilot again and that money is justly earned for the trouble and embarrassment. park inn international I guarantee you, that his current position park inn international is paying him much less than his position as a pilot. Overkill and ridiculous behavior of the airline. 1 vote #1.12 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 10:40 PM EST 420madness
Hey moron? Thanks to corporate owned politicians and corporate written laws, jury awards are the last weapon ordinary citizens have. Spoken like a true neocon jizz pot #1.13 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 11:06 PM EST Floridian-1
Fellow employees and sometimes management can easily "set up" someone if they really want to do so. There is much background information not included in the story. But having had to deal with these kinds of cases, I know for a fact that it happens. 8 votes #2 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 7:47 PM EST Commonsense101
The epitome of arrogance is for a justice of the United States Supreme Court to say,"Letting a jury decide whether you put it wrongly or not doesn't make me happy." Who in the hell does Scalia think he is? Our founding fathers initiated the jury system to provide our court system protection of corruption from the likes of him. I'm certain it had nothing to do with making a pompous park inn international idiot judge of the future "happy". Impeach this clown that wishes to negate one of the most crucial elements of our courts.
It's time for all of the airlines to be brought under control! Their slowly being turned into a monopoly and the consumer has no options anymore. It's like gas stations. They're all always the same price per gallon. Like there's park inn international no collusion in the gas industry! Time to behead some corporations! 6 votes #3 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 8:05 PM EST John Smith-332906
Like far too many of us, they only hear what they want to hear to support their own political agenda. Despite those sanctimonious black robes, many of them are power hungry people with enormous egos and full of of greed. That's why we have an impeachment process to end their lifetime appointments. 3 votes #5.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 8:38 PM EST Old Eagle
as for traveling with a firearm, he's require to sign in. if he has been discharged from his duties as a pilot, he no longer is able to maintain the documentation needed for him to be authorized to carry a firearm onto a plane, unless it's properly packed, declared and stored underneath the aircraft. too many people have shown up at their jobsite after having been "let go" and just gone off on a spree. personally, I think the airline was justified in reporting the fact to TSA. but not knowing all the actions taken to resolve the issue, can't make any further comment. personally, I wouldn't have wanted him to have a firearm at that time. 1 vote #6 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 8:44 PM EST University of Chicago Student
"These reports are being made to TSA and other reasonable air safety officials for the purpose of passenger safety and aviation security. And TSA tells the airlines, if you have any doubt, report. If you see something, say something."
The airline park inn international was WAY out of line to declare him " mentally unstable " and report he might be carrying a gun and was a threat when he HAD NOT threatened anyone other than that he was going to call his union.
Come on now that was harsh! They are only people when it comes to campaign contributions park inn international not for massive Fraud when a corporations you know like Bankers and Stock Brokerages then you just pay fines for your crimes. Sounds Fair to me! 1 vote #9.1 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 9:04 PM EST jackieboy
What business harmed him? I wasn't aware that the TSA that yanked him off of the plane was a private firm. I'm pretty sure that they are part of Homeland Security. #9.3 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 9:26 PM EST So
Oh jackieboy park inn international I'm so glad we have the Grammar Police like you on the job Thanks for pointing my Sentence Structure out. I owe you I didn't punctuate my last sentence as I'm sure you noticed so you could get your rocks off! Did You come yettt! #9.4 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 10:19 PM EST So
Does anybody out there know how the Supreme Court Justice's get their bribe money? The Executive Branch and Legislative Branch take Lobbying Money which used to be called bribes and was against the law. I know Lawyers and they can't wait to find a way to swindle the system. It is like when you hear that a judge has given a sentence of 30 days for a child molestation park inn international case you can bet money has changed park inn international hands. park inn international It cost me 2500. in an envelope to get out of a D.U.I. charge. So these big business have to be paying cash to get all of the rulings they get! #10 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 9:13 PM EST Floridian-1
If he had a gun and shot someone simply because he was angry, park inn international his defense attorney would have had no problem calling him "mentally unstable". Why should his employer park inn international be required to mince words? Their job is to protect the public, not consult a psychiatrist before making every statement. #11 - Mon Dec 9, 2013 9:37 PM EST zsdfg
Can't wait till a first grader fail his test and cries. With the teacher calling 911. "He's mentally unstabl

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