четверг, 5 декабря 2013 г.

in the end we decided to rent a car and we had a really great time. we were able to pack a bunch of

I know there are tons of threads regarding this but I wanted a more direct answer to my scenario. I want to go to Akumal on Tuesday the 14th for my birthday. We're staying at the Iberostar cheap car rental in orlando florida Grand complex. Whats the easiest cheap car rental in orlando florida and safest way for 2 of us to get to Akumal for the day with the freedom to get there and come back as we please? Is it easiest to take a taxi into Playa and take the ADO down there and back? Any clue to cost? Is it easier to just rent a car and go as we please? I've seen recommendations for Easy-way rental car that drops the car at your resort, is it safe to get around the area? I mean I've been to Playa but I've never driven around down there, especially in a flashy rental car. Any advice is greatly appreciated, just want to have a fun day for my birthday, maybe a nice dinner in Playa after our trip.
You could do it the way you suggest...taxi to town then ADO (not sure exactly where the ADO stops in Akumal), but you could also taxi into town and grab a colectivo to Akumal. It's cheap and pretty easy. The difference is that the colectivo will leave you off at the highway and you'll have to walk in, I think about a half-mile or so...it's not too bad. You could also consider taking a taxi all the way to Akumal but it might be pricey from the IB Grand. I know there's a taxi stand at Akumal where you can hire a taxi for the return trip if you wish.
Renting a car for a day has cost us around $70 (including all the bells and whistles insurance) the last two times we've done it. But we've always just rented at the resort/hotel and had the car company bring the car to us.
Taking a taxi down and back will cost you a less than a car rental for the day. Plus, it's super easy to get a taxi at the resort and at Akumal. cheap car rental in orlando florida The taxi stand in Akumal is right by the arch and they have the fares posted on a board.
Colectivo is easy and cheap. We took one to Akumal in November and have never had a bad experience in the three trips there. Drops you right off on the side of the highway and you walk over the overpass. On our way back, we hadn't yet reached the highway when one pulled over to pick us up right at the end of the street (though I have waited on the highway before, 10 minutes tops). Both there and back trips were air conditioned. A little crowded, yes. But I like watching the people come and go, being dropped off at various resorts, and listening cheap car rental in orlando florida to conversations in Spanish as best as I can. 50 pesos for two, can't beat it. I've never felt uncomfortable and it's great people watching.
Colectivo is easy and cheap. We took one to Akumal in November and have never had a bad experience in the three trips there. Drops you right off on the side of the highway and you walk over the overpass. On our way back, we hadn't yet reached cheap car rental in orlando florida the highway when one pulled over to pick us up right at the end of the street (though I have waited on the highway before, 10 minutes tops). cheap car rental in orlando florida Both there and back trips were air conditioned. A little crowded, yes. But I like watching cheap car rental in orlando florida the people cheap car rental in orlando florida come and go, being dropped off at various resorts, and listening to conversations in Spanish as best as I can. 50 pesos for two, can't beat it. I've never felt uncomfortable and it's great people watching.
cheap car rental in orlando florida I took a cab right from the Iberostar complex to Akumal, at that time I think it was $30.00usd. Spent the whole day in Akumal and took a collectivo back for $5.00usd. The collectivo I was in was a nice van, had a/c, a bit crowded but made some new friends on the way back!
My niece and I took a colectivo to Playa, she gets carsick easily and it was very hot and the van was crowded- not a good experience for her that day, is all. My husband and I are less picky and take them all the time, no problems- BUT I do have to say I enjoy the A/C and more room on the bus better. You can meet locals on the buses just as easily.
My niece and I took a colectivo to Playa, she gets carsick easily and it was very hot and the van was crowded- not a good experience for her that day, is all. My husband and I are less picky and take them all the time, no problems- BUT I do have to say I enjoy the A/C and more room on the bus better. You can meet locals on the buses just as easily.
we hummed and hawwed about this as well to get to akumal...transfer into pdc then cab it, or, hire a taxi both ways, or transfer then ado/collectivo, or rent. we were also coming in from north of PDC.
in the end we decided to rent a car and we had a really great time. we were able to pack a bunch of stuff with us that id rather not on a public bus system (ie lots of carry-on rubbish), cheap car rental in orlando florida we stopped at a couple places along the way to akumal, experienced the CRAZY highway speed limit signs thing!!, marvelled at how people drive!, parked right at lol-ha, took our time, and had a great drive back (with the PDC bypass being closed half way around, and being diverted into the neighbourhoods...at night...without a map!...mucho cool!) plus we could keep stuff in the trunk locked up so we didnt have to hump it all to the beach and continuously watch it (even though there are lockers available there).
cheap car rental in orlando florida we hummed and hawwed about this as well to get to akumal...transfer into pdc then cab it, or, hire a taxi both ways, or transfer then ado/collectivo, cheap car rental in orlando florida or rent. we were also coming in from north of PDC.
in the end we decided to rent a car and we had a really great time. we were able to pack a bunch of stuff with us that id rather not on a public bus system (ie lots of carry-on rubbish), we stopped at a couple places along the way to akumal, experienced cheap car rental in orlando florida the CRAZY highway speed limit signs thing!!, marvelled at how people drive!, parked right at lol-ha, took our time, and had a great drive back (with the PDC bypass being closed half way around, and being diverted into the neighbourhoods...at night...without a map!...mucho cool!) plus we could keep stuff in the trunk locked up so we didnt have to hump it all to the beach and continuously watch it (even though cheap car rental in orlando florida there are lockers available there).
i know there are better/cheaper to rent from, but we used europcar which was based at our resort. we paid 85 all in incl taxes and extra insurance for 24 hrs for a VW sportvan. given that there were 4 of us we considered it a decent rate when split 4 ways, well really two ways. plus no fuss no muss in arranging for stuff...just walked in and rented cheap car rental in orlando florida it, then when I dropped it off I just left it at the lobby and went to the lobby bar to try and catch up to the non-DD's!

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