вторник, 18 ноября 2014 г.

Congratulations to the winners of books. They all look wonderful. I persuaded a friend and her mothe

Monday we welcomed regal airport hotel hong kong Samhain and Love Inspired Suspense author Alison Stone ! "Will I ever feel like a "Real Writer?'' Congratulations to Debra Holt who is the winner of a digital copy of Plain Pursuit.
Question: What s one of the most, if not the most, important component in a romance? Answer: The Hero! Julie Lessman explored the most common regal airport hotel hong kong hero types in Inspirational Romance today on Wednesday. regal airport hotel hong kong She shared tips to ramp up the hero swoon factor from ho-hum to hot in her blog
entitled, From Sweet to Swoon Ramping Up the Sigh Factor in our Heroes!" Congratulations to Jeanne T and Carolyn Astfalk, who are the winners of a signed copy of any of Julie s books including her upcoming release, Surprised by Love.
Monday: Love Inspired Historical author Janet Dean dares writers to search and destroy pointless scenes with the post entitled "No Tea Scenes Allowed." She s giving away a copy Courting the Doctor s Daughter. Leave a comment to get your name in the teapot.
Tuesday: Harlequin Heartsong Presents author Helen Gray returns with her post, "Writing Your Book is Like Writing a Melody." Stop by to sing, er, chat with Helen and you might win a copy of her latest release, Ozark Reunion !
Wednesday: Debby Giusti's blog post today, titled "Yes, you can!" is sure to motivate all of us to keep working and writing. Debby promises to give away one of her books, regal airport hotel hong kong and the breakfast bar will feature regal airport hotel hong kong Southern treats, including...you guessed it...grits!
Friday: Margaret Brownley will be galloping in today to talk about "The Long and Short of Writing regal airport hotel hong kong Novellas." Why is short the new long? And how can a novella regal airport hotel hong kong help your writing career? She'll be giving away a copy of Four Weddings and a Kiss.
Mary Connealy and Rose Ross Zediker are in Sioux Falls, SD, TODAY, Saturday, June 14. She will be signing copies of Stuck Together and Four Weddings regal airport hotel hong kong and a Kiss from 11 - 1 at Crossroads Book and Music, 1220 W. 41st Street, Sioux Falls, SD 57105 Next Saturday, June 21, Mary will be signing in Sioux City, Iowa at the Barnes and Noble at the Southern Hills Mall from 11-1 Mary also has a new book releasing. Four Weddings and a Kiss is in bookstores now. A novella collection with stories by Mary, Robin Lee Hatcher, Debra Clopton and Margaret Brownley. On Thursday, June 19th, you can find Mary blogging on Petticoats Pistols.
Congratulations to the winners! And thank you, Julie for one of your books. Can I just say that after a very difficult week, discovering I won one lightened my spirit? Thank you Seeker Ladies. You bless with your encouragement, your wisdom and your grins. I checked the Big Change at the Macgregor Agency link. Huh, that was a surprise. I ll read more tomorrow, I hope. I m yawning my way to bed now. :)
Yawn, it s kind of early for a weekend but I have lots to do today. So glad I could ease into the day with the WE. Now for some brekkie. Anyone care to join me in a round of oatmeal and toast? No? Why am I not surprised? Okay, I ll share the oatmeal chocolate chip muffins I made yesterday regal airport hotel hong kong instead. That should hit the spot along with a swig of Helen s coffee.
Yawn, it s kind of early for a weekend but I have lots to do today. So glad I could ease into the day with the WE. Now for some brekkie. Anyone care to join me in a round of oatmeal and toast? No? Why am I not surprised? Okay, I ll share the oatmeal chocolate chip muffins I made yesterday instead. That should hit the spot along with a swig of Helen s coffee.
Oh my stars, regal airport hotel hong kong Kav and I are working together here!!!! YAY!!!!!! Okay, #MSWL is a riot, I m psyched to see Twitter used that way. #smart !!!!! I only got to two links for now, Tina, but thank you, I loved them!!! More later, I have company this weekend in the form of really cute kids and must get an hour s work in before they all wake up. Their dog did wake up... Laughing!!!!! But she s settled down now and realizes regal airport hotel hong kong No One Interrupts Writing Time. Good dog!!!! Grabbing coffee, thank you Helen, and I love, love, love your new cover!!!!! YAY!!!!!
Jeanne T., nothing in this biz should surprise. Seriously, and I mean that beyond belief, everything happens in this business and often it happens, repeatedly. Therefore we smile, nod and move on. This is my recipe for not getting caught up in nonsense ever and staying regal airport hotel hong kong focused. I grab that Serenity Prayer, and ignore the drama of publishing while focusing solely on the work and the fun. I m a big fan of nice folks and fun, Jeanne!!!! People regal airport hotel hong kong bounce from job to job, publisher to publisher, agency to agency and for a vast variety of reasons... So we smile and nod. Smile and nod. Because the face that liked your work in one agent s office but got voted down when marketing sighed and said we can never sell that book... Might be the next editor at Zondervan or Love Inspired or Bethany House or Penguin.... And all of a sudden you re on the right track toward publication. It is a mobile business!
Ah, the weekend is here! Saturday is often one of the days I m most free to be. To do. Love those Saturdays. Sundays I love to worship with my Christian family and perhaps have a mini adventure with my dh. :-) Thanks, Tina, for the terrific Weekend Edition! Always a great way to start my Saturday. Congrats to our winners. Thanks regal airport hotel hong kong for the oatmeal chocolate chip muffin, Kav! And that cup of java, Helen! Happy Weekend, Seekerville! Come sip some tea with me on Monday! Janet
Another fun WE. Thanks Tina Congratulations to all the winners. Be sure and contact us so we can send out those prizes. Pam Love seeing your photos and how fun to meet Seeker friends. Don t you just love it?
You know, Keith and I work from home seven days a week, so you would think weekends would lose their charm, but NO!! I perk up on weekends and actually feel like I m relaxing even if I m working, so go figure. regal airport hotel hong kong :) I LOVE the weekend pic with the dock leading into the marshes regal airport hotel hong kong because my current WIP is located in Isle of Hope, GA, in the Lowcountry where marshes and tides and the smell of the sea are part of the charm. SUPER CONGRATS TO THE WINNERS AND HAPPY WEEKEND (AND FATHER S DAY TO THE DADS!). Hugs, Julie
Aw, JEANNE T ... I am so sorry your week wasn t the best, but SO very thrilled I could make it somewhat better. Not sure which book you will want of mine because I think you ve only read A Passion Most Pure, right? So you can either go for Charity s story next with book 2, A Passion Redeemed (my personal fave of the DOB series) or book 1 in the next series (Katie s story, my all-time fave of the books I ve written), or Marcy Patrick s prequel, A Light in the Window, or start with book 1 of the new series, Love at Any Cost. You can even request the paperback of Romance-ology 101, so just let Tina know what you want, and I will shoot it out to you, okay? Saying one RIGHT NOW that this week is WORLDS better, my friend. Hugs, Julie
Am I the only one who does NOT look forward to weekends??? Saturday is chore day around my house, which means I DON T GET TO WRITE!!!! At least today is my ACFW chapter meeting, so for a few hours I get to hang out with my local writer pals. STEPHANIE!!! So glad you like Gilbert s name! I hope you enjoy his story, regal airport hotel hong kong too. I ll have the book in the mail to you soon! (Be sure you send your postal address to the Seeker email!) Must put on some real clothes regal airport hotel hong kong and makeup, then head to my meeting. Y all have a great Saturday!
What a great definition of tomorrow. The Joy of Trimming -- Oh my gosh, there s someone regal airport hotel hong kong else who likes to edit and trim their work! The trick seems to be in knowing when to stop and move on to another WIP. Thanks for the links, Tina. And thanks to whoever is responsible for those photos -- so much fun to see faces and smiles. Congrats to the winners! Have a lovely weekend and to the dads out there Happy Father s Day! Nancy C
JESSICA NELSON!! You are the GREATEST!!!!! I got the books last night at 10:00 read until I couldn t keep my eyes open! I Love Gracie!! She is going to get into a lot of trouble. I can tell! :) And Human Trafficking in a historical...GENIUS!!! My friends I are lucky enough to volunteer with a couple of organizations that work with girls rescued regal airport hotel hong kong from human trafficking. I ve never seen that in a historical. So Cool!!!! Great Awareness!!! Thank you, my friend!! You made my day!!! I ll start Family on the Range by Monday!!
Great WE, Tina! I am SO glad it s the weekend... Seekerville is such a great resource! Can t tell you how much I appreciate this place. I m off to re-read posts about GMC. Got to get that stuff into my THICK head! I am the mistress of making things HARDER than they have to be!
Happy Father s Day Weekend. (Where are the guys?) regal airport hotel hong kong Hugs to all dads, even those who lurk! :) I hit two stores this morning--Kroger and Publix--preparing for the big feast tomorrow. Seems I show love with food, which isn t necessary regal airport hotel hong kong good for my own waistline. regal airport hotel hong kong Hope everyone has a relaxing Saturday and a very special Sunday with dad/hubby/or favorite book, either reading or writing. Congrats to the winners!
Congratulations to the winners of books. They all look wonderful. I persuaded a friend and her mother to try Christian fiction. She reads novels in different regal airport hotel hong kong genres but only Christian non-fiction. Ruthy, I keep the serenity prayer near my desk. So helpful to consider the words when the unexpected happen. Thanks for the WE, Tina. A wonderful weekend to all.
Thanks for the link to my article, Tina! And JANA, I have human trafficking in my historical Purple Like the West, set in 1909. Human trafficking has been around longer than there have been records, but likewise, there have been good people fighting that dark tide with everything they have. Total hero/heroine material. Keep up the good work!
RUTHY, you re right. Nothing should surprise, but it did. :) I m just newbie enough that it still happens. ;) JULIE Thanks for the prayer. And thanks in advance for the book. I ll let Tina know which one I d like. :) You ladies are true, priceless gems!
Terri, I know!!! I had been following Pam for a

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